
Video Vs. Text Engagement: What Is More Effective and Why

September 30, 2020
Video Vs. Text Engagement

Why is video better than text when it comes to audience engagement? By no means is video marketing “easy” in comparison to text marketing, or vice versa. We could say that both video and text have their equally unique complexities about them. These days, people want more than just data. And people want their more-than-data quickly.

Waves Media wrote an article about storytelling via video marketing a while back and, guess what, quality storytelling is still hard. But it is not impossible. As a business owner or company, it might be easy to become discouraged when thinking of how to communicate your message effectively and truthfully. Toss in the desire to be relevant and to excite your audience and you are left with a lot of hesitation. That is why it is essential to have something unique and interesting to say about your business or company, and this is where video engagement triumphs over text.

“But it always catches your eye.”—Waves Media | Engaging your Audience with Compelling Video Marketing Content

We would say a video is better than text when it comes to getting your business or company to show and tell your target audience what you have to offer. As we consider a few more reasons video is better than text when it comes to marketing, keep in mind what your company is currently doing to be successful.

  • Grab people’s attention. Half the battle of running digital ads is getting people to look at them. Think about what grabs your attention when scrolling through a website. Your eyes are attracted to movement, so the movement that videos produce naturally attracts people’s attention. People are also 27 times more likely to click on an online video ad than a static banner ad. (SOURCE)
  • Display nonverbal communication. Body language and verbal tone play a huge role in conveying a message. Text content relies on precise word choice, punctuation, and visual features like emoticons to establish the right tone. However, with video, viewers are able to determine exactly what the speaker is trying to get across by observing body language, verbal tone, and other visual cues. Videos can also extend beyond verbal and nonverbal communication by including visual aids like images and footage. The simple matter of the speaker being visible makes video a choice that is all the more accurate and effective. (SOURCE)
  • Video content is memorable. Most people need visual aids to learn, which could be the main reason why is video better than text. Viewers retain 95 percent of a video’s message in comparison to 10 percent when reading the text. And the stronger the impact the video has on the viewer’s emotions, the higher the level of entertainment.

To summarize: Videos are an all-in-one choice. A primary advantage is that video has the ability to encompass all the other types of content. A video can include text, music, photographs, links, and even podcasts! No other medium has this ability and flexibility! This gives video the apt title: King of Content.