
The Best Ways to Sell Your Product in 2023

February 28, 2023

Got a product to sell or promote? Wondering where to begin? And feeling overwhelmed at all the options? We don’t blame you. When it comes to the best way to sell your product, it’s hard to know what’s right for you and your brand. So we’re here today to discuss the current trends and most effective ways to sell your product in 2023.

Shoppable Content

Social media has easily become one of the most powerful ways to attract and gain a following. So what better place to also promote and sell your product! With 98% of online customers planning on utilizing social purchasing at least once this year, it’s a smart choice for you to begin incorporating this option in your brand. Just add a quick direct link from your social media pages to your website or purchasing platform and bingo! There you go, just a couple of clicks for your audience to start enjoying what you’ve created. Plus, by being attached to your social media presence, it enables consumers to not only buy directly from you but also continue staying an engaged customer. As per Statista, social commerce generated 475 billion dollars in sales in 2022, and is slated to earn 3.37 trillion by 2028. So yeah, you’ll want to get on this train.

Live Streaming

One of the top video trends of 2023 is also one of the best ways to sell your product! Livestreaming on social media has been effective in “humanizing” brands and individuals, showing their authenticity and ability to connect with an audience directly. Selling product via livestream is no different. With up to 58% of online consumers more comfortable speaking to a human vs. an autobot, it’s clear your viewer values connection and trust when it comes to what they follow and buy. Another benefit is that customers can interact and ask questions related to your product in real-time, giving you the opportunity to show them its value while making it very convenient for them to purchase.

User-Generated Content (UGC)

Again on the topic of building trust with your audience, employing user-generated content (UGC) is another growing trend sure to deliver. By having your customer demonstrate and review your product directly, you not only engage their loyalty but also the loyalties (potentially) of those watching them. With up to 85% of online consumers rating UGC as more influential in their buying process than brand marketing alone, the odds are definitely in your favor with this one. Plus, online visitors to sites with UGC content spent 90% more time on those pages than otherwise. In short, UGC is relatable, gives your customer the assurance of a reliable product, and has low investment costs on your end. Word-of-mouth has always been the best way to sell, and this is what UGC ultimately is.

So there you have it! Some easy, affordable, and trending ways to get your product out there and into the hands of your audience. If you keep it real and consistent via these formats, you’ll be sure to succeed and gain a loyal following.