We are happy to announce a new feature for our clients and partners coming in early 2020. It is “Waves Learning”, an online training platform.
Waves Learning will be a way to familiarize yourself with the video production and marketing world and industry. Beyond that it will be a way to acquaint yourself with Waves including how to use our app and how the video process will work with us in general.
You can choose what sections you focus on. For instance if you are on the legal or financial side of things for your brand, you may want to learn about the app and client portal. If you are involved in pre-production and shoot planning you can watch videos or read articles applicable to that. And so forth, etc, etc.
Of course, as you could have probably guessed, we will be largely utilizing video content for the learning. It’s the best and most concise way to do any online training or learning. And it will be very easy to check off what you’ve completed in the process.
Speaking of that, you will be able to share courses, videos, content with others. And you will be able to see what you’ve already viewed or completed.
Beyond the videos will be coinciding content in written form, whether a blog entry or article or downloadable .pdf.
As we have begun and completed much of the content already, but still have quite a bit to do, the communication lines are open! Send along any feedback, input, or questions about what you’d like to see in this new offering.