
End of the Year Look Back #4: ECR4Kids

December 27, 2019
Video Company San Diego Waves Media

A more recent partnership of ours is that of San Diego based ECR4Kids. Our finding of them actually happened through Thumbtack Pro, an online lead and matching platform. After a call and proposal we were off and running and planning our first shoot. It definitely felt like a fit from day one.

The First Day of Filming

Our first day together was just north of San Diego. Our crew was just 3 of us and ECR’s team was 3 people as well. A rented beautiful home through AirBNB.com allowed for a nice space inside and outdoors.

Although we had planned as much as we could in a matter of just a few weeks, the spirit of the day was one of flexibility. Partly due to the nature of the amount of items to be filmed. And because our on camera talent was kids. Cute and endearing, but still kids.

Unfortunately, the first part of the day was rainy too. So indoors it was. Our first young acting talent were two adorable sisters. They simply ‘nailed’ it. I’m not sure I’ve worked with kids this talented before. The footage came out great. And in turn, this kept us moving so as to get 8 videos shot and filmed in 1 day. Yep! That’s true. It was highly successful.

Edits for Amazon.com

As with many companies selling products, our videos for ECR4Kids needed to be within the specifications Amazon requires. They would be attached to the product pages. This did help us know what we were aiming for. But it also meant we needed to get the point of the videos across quickly.

Using overlay text or title call-outs, and getting the product’s best in small viewable segments was really fun actually. It was a challenge but one that worked out well.

There is much work we are doing currently and hope to do with ECR4Kids as they have tons of vision. And because of that, the sky’s the limit.