Subtitles and captions get overlooked in video usage. Today we’d like to give you some reasons why you would want to utilize them. Their purpose can be multi-faceted and the impact great for your content sharing.
We are in the middle of a project with our client right now creating ads for their brand. The final length of 15 seconds and 6 seconds.
As with some social media platforms sound will not play on your video until the user clicks it on. So titles can be a very important element to grab attention and get them to engage.
Are there viewers you want to reach that speak a different language. Maybe your industry is specific to a certain culture or you simply want to branch out your reach to more people. In lieu of actually creating videos filmed in that language which can require more resource, why not put in subtitles they can read? In turn your viewer potential will go up, perhaps drastically.
Closed Captions (or CC) can help your SEO. For example, YouTube offers a great and easy way to add them too after your video is posted. Check out how here:
And closed captions are a cool way to reach hearing impaired viewers as well!
The final reason is well, why not? Titles in your video will be just one more mode of engagement with your viewers. As we like to say, add to the ways people can engage with your media. The more ways the added value.