This is one of our favorite parts: meeting you. And no worries, we’re nice! 🙂
The initial connect point could be over the phone, a video meeting, or in person (dependent on your location). In a nutshell, it’s our chance to get to know you and your brand, understand your video and marketing goals, and help create a strategy and plan for your video content.
What we’d advise you bring to this meeting is a clear vision not only of what your brand stands for but also what your specific goals are for your video – but no pressure if that is still in formation.
After this, we generally will send along either an informal proposal or quote or a more thorough treatment. This could be as simple as a few sentences suggesting our solution to your problem/needs or a section-by-section summary of our ideas for your video, with samples and mood boards, timeline, etc.
Either way, the next stage will be working towards a win-win, signature, and deposit. From there we move into pre-production (which technically kind of already started). This includes creatively collaborating on initial scripts, storyboards, and designs (if applicable), as well as planning of the schedule and logistics for filming, should that be a part of your project.
This stage will look different depending on the project. It could be the creating of the designs and animations for your motion graphics video. It could also include screen recording an interview for a client testimonial. Or it could be the more traditional filming of your project, whether interview style or full blown commercial (or something else).
Regardless, by this point we will have established clear objectives and a solid plan for the day(s) of filming or the animation work (if we did the pre-production well). But, as we like to say, our team is flexible and good on our feet, ready to catch and pivot should it be required. Because sometimes the best stuff you just couldn’t have planned for!
Having said that, a good plan is crucial to make this go as well as it possibly can…in the most efficient (and as Mary Poppins said) delightful way.
This is where it all finally comes together, post-production! Or, in other words, where the “magic happens”, and we start editing and creating the story we set out to tell. Our goal is to deliver your message clearly and creatively so as to optimize your audience engagement. With that in mind, the review process…
We review all work on a digital platform for ease of both collaboration and for the most effective form of communicating between your team and ours.
Once we have done any necessary revision rounds and you give final approval on the edit(s), we then ‘finish’ the video with optimized sound and color. Once finalized, it will be delivered to you via a private dashboard or uploaded to where you would like it, safely and securely to start sharing with your customers.
We love what we do, and we love getting to work with you. Our aim at Waves is to create high quality video production that is attainable, simple, easy, and fun, all done in a professional manner. Want to learn more? Click here to get started. We can’t wait to meet you.