
Strategies for Mobile Video Ads

October 1, 2024

Most of the global population now own smartphones. To be precise, 7.2 out of the 8 billion in the world. That’s a lot of smartphones, and a lot of people attached to them. Which is why it’s so vital your brand uses video to connect with them. And why today we’re talking specifically about mobile video ads, and how they’ll help your brand grow.

Benefits of Mobile Video Ads

If the above statistic wasn’t enough, mobile video ads have a few more strong selling points. For starters, they’re easily accessible 24/7. Rare is the time someone’s phone isn’t either on them or nearby, so the chances your video ad will be viewed run high. And while there are best times to post on social media, remember how frequently you check your phone morning, noon, and night.

Next up is that they are cost-effective. Gone are the days where creating a video ad had to cost thousands of dollars. Don’t get us wrong, it still can, but creating solid video is much more accessible than it used to be. Basically anyone with a smartphone has the power of making great video. You just got to get creative with your budget.

And, last but not least, they’re memorable. Yep, viewers literally remember up to 95% of a video message after watching vs. only 10% when just reading it in text. Not to mention, video is the most effective way of telling stories. And stories have been bringing us together as humans since the dawn of time.

Steps to Create Great Mobile Video Ads

So, where to begin when creating your mobile video ad? While the start of anything can be difficult and/or frustrating, there are some straightforward steps to help get you on your way to some solid content. They are…

Identify Your Objective

What is the point of making your video in the first place? What are you aiming to achieve? What action do you want your customer to take after watching it? Once you’ve identified this, creating it will be much easier. Just remember, with any video content you make, you should always be providing a solution to your customer’s problem. Think of the outcome they’re looking for, and make sure this is present in your video message.

Identify Your Budget

Small or large, it’s vital to know the budget you’re working with before you start well, uh, working. This will enable you to set up a realistic roadmap of what producing it will look like, so you don’t stop mid-project realizing you’re out of funds. And don’t worry: again, creating effective video doesn’t necessarily require a big budget. All it takes is your creativity backed by a clear message.

Edit, and Edit Again

Editing is one of your most powerful tools when it comes to your video. And it starts with your script. A good script starts with not only what goes into it, but what should come out of it. What’s unnecessary? Any lines that could be cut? Or actions that don’t serve the main objective? Cut it where you can so as to keep your video length as short as possible. The optimal length for a mobile video ad is 15-30s. So make editing your friend!

Keep Your Brand Visible

While keeping your message forefront within your mobile video ads is paramount, including your brand’s presence is its neighbor. Make sure your logo and/or product placement is involved in your video, so as to be seen (and remembered) by your viewers!

Think Vertical

Look at your phone. How do you normally hold it? If you’re like, well, everybody you’ll be holding it vertically. Which is why it is vital to remember to create vertical-friendly video when making your mobile ads! Not only this, but the greater majority of social media platforms are geared to this as well. So format your video accordingly, and reap the benefits.

Keep It Creative!

This may seem an obvious point, but it’s amazing how easy it is to leave your creativity at the door when shooting your videos. But remember, it’s our creativity as individuals that sets us apart from one another as unique. And it’s that same creativity that also draws us together. So think outside the box. Maybe collaborate with another creator who will bring something extra special to your content. Or challenge yourself to film a video with no spoken words, just action. If it’s fun for you to make it, chances are it’ll be fun for your audience to watch.

Include Closed Captions

This one is practical but super important. A survey found that up to 92% of online viewers watch mobile video with the sound off. The short and sweet of it? Include closed captions so you don’t lose your audience.

Provide Clear Call-to-Actions (CTAs)

While your mobile video ad should stand out on its own unique feet, it will (and should) share at least one thing in common with others: a clear call-to-action at the end. Without it, there is very little to no chance your audience will take next steps with you (simply because you didn’t provide it for them). These could be as simple as “Give Us a Call!”, or “Buy Here”, depending on your video’s objective. You decide. Just make sure you include that decision, as it’s one of the most important in your video creation.

And that about does it. When it comes to your mobile video ads, keep it concise, clear, and creative. If these are included, your ad should not only be effective but also be the start of great relationships with your customers.