Understanding a few things about how videos can best perform on different social media channels and content carriers is crucial. And it can be super helpful in being effective with your marketing. Today we offer some tips and guidelines on 3 channels.
Instagram (IG) is a fantastic place to have video content in various forms. Just make sure to keep it short. IG has a 1 minute limit on video you can post to your feed. You can upload a video longer than that but you’ll need to select just one minute of it. (*IGTV and going “live” have different time options as well, for more on that see here: https://wave.video/blog/instagram-video-ideas/
IG has a few different ways your video can display too: square, portrait, and landscape. So creation of your video can be made in various forms. This is kind of fun.
Don’t rely on sound on IG though. Make sure to utilize captivating images and text overlay because your videos won’t play sound automatically. Users have to select it.
The king of video hosting and it’s great for SEO as Google owns it and gives i priority in search. YouTube videos also have longer view time than videos on something like IG (above) so you can get more content in.
Also, you can now put 4k videos on YT. Which is pretty cool.
It is becoming more and more a video content carrier. A lot of people and brands don’t think of it in this light, but that is changing really quick.
Not only can it be great for your company image it can also aid in your ‘personal’ brand being sold. V-logging is normal on there and great place for content ad hoc style, even daily.
Video on LinkedIn has proven to be an amazing way to stand out. In 2017, there were 300 million video impressions and 3x the engagement on videos posted than text posted (see here)