
Video Production: Quality over Quantity

May 15, 2019

One topic we see discussed a lot is about quality versus quantity within a companies video output. With the media driven world that has developed from the popular social media platforms, the need to have new content constantly can be overwhelming. And when you start to look at what it takes to create quality video production, it seems out of reach. The truth is, you never need to sacrifice quality if you have a strong and decided strategy. And that doesn’t mean every video you share has to look like the latest Scorsese film, but it does mean there needs to be a clear intent and motive behind each piece. And just because you want to release a video each week, doesn’t mean you need to make a video each week.

Subscription Plan

One plan we have developed is our subscription plan. Within that, we help conceptualize and plan your content, based on your goals and brand. Then, we schedule periodic shoots to film enough content, to produce videos on a scheduled and regular basis. Check it out.


In addition to a plan like that involving a professional, quality video production team, learning what you can from the pros to make your self-shot videos look as good as they can, focus on your content. Put yourself in your viewers’ shoes, and consider what would be interesting or helpful to them.

Film in bulk

If you plan ahead enough, you can film in batch. Get three or four ideas down, and get them all filmed at once. Then you can take those clips, and turn them into engaging pieces of content to schedule out. It is much easier to edit a few clips, than to get a whole shoot together again.

Quality First. Always

The point is, quality should always be the goal. And content should always come first. Before a filmmaker considers the camera or the lighting, they come up with the story. And it should be no different for companies that have something to say.