I was chatting with some veteran photographers the other day. They had just returned from an inspiring workshop that gave them some fresh energy for their work. When was the last time you or your team went to a seminar for some training and renewed perspective?
Or maybe you just need to do something totally different than the work in which you are immersed. Go on a hike as a team in the mountains. Share this short with them (because who doesn’t love Disney/Pixar?) Read a book you enjoyed as a kid. Keep. It. Fresh.
No one is saying finding inspiration is easy. However, work driven by inspiration and clear purpose is important. Life is way too short to spend so much time on something with so little passion. Did you have love for what you did once? Is that something you can reignite?
Maybe the quality of your branding used to create a sense of pride as you poured time and thought into it. Revisit what started that relationship, and get that back!
How and in what way you communicate affects the messaging directly. Haphazardly posting content without meaningful intention will confuse (and eventually) lose your audience, so don’t get lost in “content output” pressure. Brainstorm sessions should be a regular activity for you and your team.
All in all, your audience can feel what is sub-par. Alternately, they know when you poured love into what you are saying (and selling). This may take more time and energy BUT it will pay off. Trust us on that.