
It’s Camera Time: Be Yourself

February 5, 2018

Not really sure on the exact stats but I’d have to say (based on experience) a top 10 fear for people out there is getting on camera. Is that one of your phobias? Or at least some of your team’s? In an effort to help relieve those nightmares a bit and take anxiety down a notch, here are a few big pointers we’ve found to help people immensely when getting in front of the camera.

Be Authentic

So easily said, yes? But difficult to pull off… perhaps. A question I often ask myself when I’m speaking in public or on camera is ‘does this sound like fluff or fake?’ or am I really landing this with an authenticity (and yes a vulnerability) that people can sense? In this day and age viewers are so familiar with media forms that they can smell a ‘fake’ a million miles away.

You don’t have to be anybody but yourself. Doesn’t that sound a tad easier? Yes, there is a performance element you may need on camera but you being you and all the little personality traits and characteristics should stay in tact. Anyone who says otherwise may be full of it too.

Ok, so a way to solve this: ask an associate with which you work how your delivery is sounding. Then ask one other person or group. Embarrassing? It could be, but it’s far better to live and learn than to continue in the unknown that may not be so self-serving as you may think. Get it right early!


With a buddy, a spouse, or the mirror. Record yourself on your own with a selfie video and then watch it back.  What does it feel like, sound like? Is it what you want to get across? What changes could be made to help it feel more along the lines of your initial vision? Could you be louder, peppier, use less big words?

The beauty of this type of practicing is not as much in the repetition as much as in learning about yourself and your presentation style. So have fun – it’s a discovery.

Know Your People

It’s so much more important than you think: who is filming this anyway? Who is going to ask questions (if it’s an interview)? Who will be producing and editing? Do you have people who can make you feel at ease, will work with your personality (and value it!)? Would it be helpful if only a couple people were present in the room (You should make this known early if so.)?

These are big questions that you could all have worked through pre-shoot, heh, and you probably should. I’ve seen the difference over the years with crews and producers that make people feel comfortable and those that really don’t. If you want the final to be ‘you’ and at your best, then choose wisely and well.  And working with the right people, well, ya know – it makes it a lot more fun!