
Laughter: The Best Medicine for Your Video

September 17, 2024

Everybody likes to laugh. It relieves stress, and can put life in a healthier perspective immediately. Not to mention, it’s just fun! Which is why including it in your videos makes sense. And also why we’re covering it today: how humor in your video is the best medicine.

Why Funny?

If the pure enjoyment of laughter wasn’t enough, up to 90% of people said they were more likely to remember an ad when it made them laugh. Think about it: what are some video ads you remember? Perhaps this old classic?

Another reason to incorporate humor in your video is it makes your brand that much more likable. After all, have you ever disliked someone who could make you laugh? Plus, funny videos are shareable, so help get the word out about your brand!

How to Create Funny Videos

Keep it Simple

Some of the most classic jokes are the simplest in nature (i.e. “Why did the chicken…” and “Knock, Knock” jokes). Why do these work so well? Because the jokes are easily understandable and accessible. You don’t need a Phd to understand them. Plus, they get to the point, which is always a great thing to do for your content and audience.

Here’s one we recently created for our own video production company. It’s simple, cost-effective, and delivers the point quickly.

Keep It Relatable

Which brings up: keeping it relatable. Remember that old phrase “It’s funny because it’s true”? Well, this IS true, as most of what makes us laugh is relatability. We’ve experienced that type of situation before, and can immediately understand it on some level. So if you find what relates to your audience, you’ll be that much closer to finding what makes them laugh.

Include the Element of Surprise!

A lot of what people find funny is what surprises them. Something unexpected occurring in the video, which makes them chuckle. Here are some clips from an old classic film where the running joke bases itself off of poetry that refuses to rhyme, in a very funny way. It sets you up for landing, then switches gears last second. Why does this work so well? Because it keeps its audience engaged, wondering what will happen next.

Draw on What Makes YOU Laugh

If you are suffering from writer’s block (we’ve all been there), think about what makes YOU laugh. Maybe go to the last video ad you found funny to gain some inspiration. And always look at the content you’re creating through the lens of your own humor. After all, your personal sense of humor is what you got to work with, so make sure you include it! If you don’t find what you’re making funny, chances are your audience won’t either.

It’s All in the Shot

Whether you’re the videographer or not, use your camera to help boost humor! This can easily be done by implementing different camera angles or specific techniques, such as zooming in or panning out for a wider shot. Perhaps you use a close-up to highlight what the main character is internally thinking, with each emotion easily expressed across their face? Or suddenly widen your shot, to show a backdrop your audience wasn’t expecting. The sky’s the limit here, so get creative and use the tools you have.

Use the Power of Editing

Another amazing tool at your video disposal is editing. So much can be added to humor in your video through post-editing! And if you are/have a great video editor, thinking outside the box will come easily. But to help generate some ideas, we’ve attached this quick tutorial below. 🙂

Use Your Bloopers!

If you’ve been filming video for awhile, you probably have some great humorous content already. Yep, it may be beneficial to peruse your unused footage from past shoots, and create a blooper reel. These are great for both the bank as well as a good belly laugh. Maybe your company deals with more serious topics within your brand–use your bloopers as a chance to showcase your hardworking team being a bit silly and having a good time! This helps promote brand awareness, and shows another side to your company’s humanity.

Make Sure Your Message Still Gets Told

This last point is the most important: your comedy should enhance your video’s message, not detract from it. After all, if your point isn’t made, what’s the point? It’s easy to just want to go for the laugh, but what is the objective of the joke? It could be to get your brand’s name out there, and create more awareness, even if done so in a subtle way. But it also could be centered around a specific product, service, or event. Again, it doesn’t have to be “on the nose” brand placement but be sure to have your product/service or company present in the video.

Know what the hoped-for outcome is before putting pen to your comedic paper. Doing so, will not only make it funnier, but also more impactful.