Videos that often go viral are most likely full of emotion, you’ve probably noticed. It’s rare to see an organically ‘viral’ video that doesn’t either make you tear up with emotion or laugh out loud. That’s because video and film is most powerful when it connects. When it speaks to us, in a relatable and meaningful way.
Aiming to communicate passion or playfulness just makes you want to hit play! Ask yourself and your team: are we connecting with people emotionally through our marketing? How could we bring emotion more into our videos?
Ok. Don’t shut me out on this. Colors, wardrobe, pretend. It could be very simple in fact.
Just the other day, I saw a video of a client of ours (they made in house). There was the CEO (a real nice approachable guy) simply wearing a skipper’s hat as the video was announcing a dinner cruise for the entire company. People ate it up who worked there because it was fun and light!
People love being playful – show off how your brand stays playful, light-hearted, and is a place anyone would want to work.
Studies show that having fun and imaginative play allows for better creativity in both children and adults. Deep down we are all still kids at heart. And we find ourselves refreshed when we get to ‘play’. That could be a game of golf, a simple workplace competition, a cooking class, playing music or reading a book. Does your workplace offer that? If so, show that off! If not, think about it as it could add creative productivity if done right.
And finally, let your place of operations look the way and feel the way you want. Pixar is known for allowing their employees to decorate their work stations and offices how they see fit. This could be anything from Star Wars paraphernalia all over the walls to making their office feel like you just landed in the tropics. It may not work for you but at least let it get the wheels spinning as to how you can let people express themselves.
How on earth are ‘stuffy’ insurance companies getting a persona of friendliness except through showing personality, humor, kindness/compassion? Why are you so quickly connected to them? Because, unknowingly or not, you see yourself in the scenarios and people within those videos. Take a look at this one made by GEICO, showcasing very common stereotypes in a funny (albeit unlikely) situation. Case in point, keep it relatable. People laugh because they’ve “been there”, so have an immediate connection with you and your message.
All in all, find what makes you laugh and have fun…if you’re having a good time, it’ll show through your videos…and reach your audience. 🙂