And we are nice. Contact us – we will respond quicker than you’d expect. Give us a quick synopsis of what it is you are working on (don’t need too many details), and what your needs exactly are.
Once we respond we can set up a time to talk on the phone (or in person) to go a bit more into detail about what you do and what both parties can bring to the table. This part is crucial as we desire to get a grasp on the elements that make you and/or your product unique – we listen. A remarkable video is “made” long before the cameras roll and this conversation enables that. Our goal will be to make your video the best it can be.
Second, if both parties think it’s a fit after our discussion and a proposal (with estimated cost), we will move forward and create what is called a treatment – usually this is a page or less of text describing what it is we see as the vision and purpose of the video or videos (based on our previous conversations).
We then prescribe (in the treatment) what we believe to be the necessary steps and pieces to bring that to completion. (*We should say that sometime a basic ‘treatment’ is part of the proposal instead of after it – whatever makes sense for each project)
After the treatment stage we begin the script and storyboard. When you book us you get both a creative agency and a production studio in one. We love the fact that we get to be involved in the entire process – beginning to end! The script/storyboard and any shot lists involve shaping concepts and mapping out what the production and post-production will look like. Without getting into too many details here: this often includes picking locations, casting talent (this may be you and your team!), and of course working on the schedule itself.
With most of our projects, our cost is all-inclusive meaning you get everything for 1 sum of money. This includes the pre-production planning just described. Also inclusive is the day (or days) of filming and media capture. And after the capture the very fun part of editing and post-production. This comes with online review and revisions, color grading, visual effects if applicable, music licensing, digital delivery on your personalized project dashboard, you name it.
And this all comes for a very reasonable rate compared to standard production costs we might add! We ask for a deposit up front to pay for the shoot/pre-production costs (so our team and their loved ones can eat, pay bills, and go watch an occasional blockbuster or get a latte on a sunny day, ya know). And not until you get the final deliverables do we collect the rest.
Finally, our goal is for a relationship even after your first video is online. We love feedback throughout and after the process (we really do!) so we can continue to excel at what we do. And of course our hope would be to get to continue collaboration on future projects, because we love the people we get to collaborate with. We sincerely believe that once you’ve experienced the fun and quality of the work provided, you’ll simply want more.