
How to Repurpose Video Content

April 18, 2023

Repurposing content is one of the smartest ways to get the most out of both your ideas and assets for marketing (not to mention a huge time-saver!). And with video being the top format for online marketing currently, it’s time to maximize your video content! Here are some ideas from our team at Waves Media on how to repurpose video content (and save money). 

Shorter Versions

The most obvious way to make the most out of any content is to simply make shorter (and shorter) versions of longer videos you’ve made.

A simple example would be what we did for Toyota, as seen here. We made 3 versions out of 1 project: a 2:30 version, a 50s version, and a 15s version.

Different Focus Versions

Filming with multiple content ideas in mind is another great way to repurpose content. Here are some ways to do that.

  • If doing interviews with people on video, ask questions on other potential topics for which you may make videos. Maybe even pre-categorize them on a sheet so you can guide the conversation and questions better.
  • Make videos specific to different audiences. An example would be a video that is for your team and employees or maybe recruiting new team members. Then have another version that is more for the public. And then one for other businesses in your sphere (partners, colleagues, etc).

Various Platform Versions

Make versions that will play best for different platforms. Shorter versions for TikTok, a vertical video for IGTV, a longer version for YouTube, a version with titles for Facebook, etc.

What is Getting Traction: Make a Vignette!

If a part of your video or videos is really getting a lot of ‘love’ maybe make another just on that topic. Maybe you have clips you didn’t use that would fit that. Make a ‘remix’ in that sense.

Turn Your Videos into Ads

Whether it’s an explainer video (as seen here) or a customer testimonial, it’s one of the easiest edits to turn these into ads for your social platforms! In some cases, you may not even need to edit the original, just simply change the call-to-action button, inviting consumers to visit your website.

Film that Podcast Recording!

If your brand hosts a podcast, a simple way to maximize its content is to film yourself (and guest) while recording! Bringing that visual to your brand’s online presence not only will attract more listeners to your podcast but also draw a larger audience to your overall platform presence.

As you can see, there are numerous ways to repurpose your video content. Just be creative, and think outside the box, and bingo–you’ve saved yourself (and brand) lots of time and money WHILE engaging your audience in brand new ways.