What do you do when you need to send a large file to someone? Dropbox? WeTransfer? Not bad. Not always easy though. “How long do I have to keep the files in my Dropbox before I can confidently delete them?” “Did the WeTrasnfer link expire already?” These are common issues, and ones we experienced many times before. And for us, our client experience is critical, so one day we decided to take care of it ourselves. One of our owners, Jon, is a web developer (maker of all websites in the Wave’s universe) so we set out to make a system to take care of our clients (and the issue of sending large files every day).
We looked at what we needed to do, and what our clients need from us. What we needed to do was fairly simple: send our clients their finished videos, in a way that they could easily stream them, and download them. We have been faithful users of Vimeo for years now, so we utilized the power of storing videos on Vimeo, and the depth of their API (nerd alert!).
What our clients needed, was access to those videos, as well as an easy way to get to them. (Who wants to search for 10 minutes trying to find that one email with the very long Dropbox link?) And they needed an easy way to get a hold of us as needed.
So with all of that in mind, both our needs and our clients’, we designed and developed our delivery page.
To that, each client gets 1 link that is unique just for them, where all their projects with us will live. And anytime, now or in the future, they can go to share, view, and or download their finished videos. Which makes for a better client experience.
After all, we spend a lot of time perfecting the videos, why not have a great place for them to live?