
Are You Prepared for How Video Will Be Used in Future Years?

November 13, 2019
Waves New Hampshire Video Team talks video's future

The best time to prepare for what’s ahead is often right now. Waiting to play catch up later on trends will often mean a missed window of opportunity. Video is one of the most effective means to tell your brands story to a massive audience. How are you using and preparing for video in the future? Here are some thoughts our team put together for consideration.

The Trends

By the end of 2019 video marketing will account for 80% of online content. That is actually insane to think about. With giant movers and shakers like Google and Facebook leading the charge in video online platforms it will only get more and more easy and saturated.

Sales are impacted by video and staggeringly so. 90% of people who watch a video attached to a product are more likely to buy. Yikes. The potential is there.

Companies using video content in their marketing experience a 41% increase in web traffic. This is opposed to companies that do not.

How to Build Trust and Tell Your Story

Forbes.com states that 91% of consumers will reward brands that can show authenticity. But how do you do that? In person is a timeless way. Relationship speaks volumes. Yet the limitations of reach across a larger sector of people is basically impossible utilizing the traditional door to door strategy.

Video tells story and shows authenticity (or at least it can!) better than almost any other medium.

Video also helps people remember. The difference in retention of content between reading and watching is 85%. That’s right! People will remember what they see, watch, hear, feel better than what they merely read as text.

How to begin? Start at a doable strategy and work consistently to tell your brand and products stories. Overtime you will amass a large library of impactful content AND an audience that cares.